我如何看待贝博体彩app: 纺织艺术家Emma Keenan-Grice | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

纺织艺术家Emma Keenan-Grice

We asked artist Emma Keenan-Grice where she finds inspiration in SF, as well as what she thinks every visitor should do during their stay.

如果你想体验真正的贝博体彩app, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

成长的过程中, San Francisco native Emma Keenan-Grice always enjoyed painting and making things with her hands. She received her BFA from the University of Washington and studied abroad in Amsterdam, 在风格派运动中寻找灵感. 毕业后, she came back to the Bay and completed a graphic design program from City College of San Francisco. Emma continues painting and exploring other art mediums in her studio in the Inner 里士满.

We asked Emma where she finds inspiration in the City by the Bay, as well as what she thinks every visitor should do when they come to San Francisco.


我醒来,冲杯咖啡或去 田生. 我检查我的电子邮件和完成一些订单. 一旦完成,我会做一些素描和色彩研究. Take a lunch break, sometimes I go to King of Thai #2 in my neighborhood. Then it’s back to the studio and painting or starting to tuft a rug. 在一切变得太迟之前,我试着去 海洋海滩 欣赏日落,放松一下. After that, I make dinner and then work some more, since I’m a bit of a night owl.

Which neighborhood, other than your own, do you like to explore?

我是在内心长大的 日落. 我最近搬到了内层 里士满 and that is the neighborhood that I am having lots of fun exploring. 在食物和公园方面,它提供了很多东西. 我喜欢每周日去农贸市场.

你是个多产的艺术家, expanding your creative output through many different mediums (painting, 服装/时尚, 印花和地毯). 你的灵感和想法是从哪里来的?

I get a lot of my inspiration and ideas from the colors I 看到 at 海洋海滩. I like to go at sunset and stay for the “after-sunset” because sometimes that’s when you get the more vibrant colors. 这是一个美丽的地方,可以让你远离手机.


Kindah Khalidy. I am inspired by her use of color and how she explores so many mediums as a painter and textile designer.

How should visitors experience all the culture that San Francisco has to offer?

你应该经常去博物馆看看. A great place to 看到 what artists in the City are doing is to go to Clarion Alley and Balmy Alley in 任务. 那里的壁画总是在变化. You feel so connected to what artists living in the city care about.

What's your favorite annual event that happens in San Francisco?

我最喜欢的活动是 西海岸船. It’s a great craft fair that always has such a diverse group of artists and makers who show and sell their work. 我喜欢看人们创造的东西. It's always so inspiring to 看到 others who are putting so much time and hard work into their art and what they love.

Where and what would you choose for your last meal in San Francisco?

我在贝博体彩app的最后一餐是 上海饺子王 在蒙特利大道. They used to have a location in the Outer 里士满 and I was so sad when that one closed. It turns out they have this location and I was so glad to know I could still get their delicious dumplings and string beans. 他们有很棒的菜豆! 我没有找到比我在那里吃过的更好的了. 我还强烈推荐他们的辣馄饨.

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?

雅莫还在我的名单上. It’s in 任务 and I’ve heard such great things about it from all of my friends. 我等不及要去了.


我喜欢在坦克山看日出. 它在科尔谷,靠近苏特罗塔. 你可以看到市中心、海湾和奥克兰的美景. It’s gorgeous because you can 看到 the sun come up and illuminate downtown. 我喜欢在海洋海滩看日落. 海洋海滩的冬季日落被低估了. 我非常喜欢听一些音乐, 在沙滩上跳舞, 享受夕阳西下的美景和色彩.


I think the fog and all of the micro-climates around the city really connect me to San Francisco. I feel most at home when I leave the house for a day and am prepared for all of the different weather San Francisco throws at me.


他们应该坐渡轮去索萨利托. It’s affordable and it gives you a really cool view of the city. You get to 看到 downtown from a different angle and you’re super close to the 金门大桥.

What’s one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

苏特罗塔周围的小径. 被茂密的树木遮蔽, you’re transported to a sort of fairytale landscape with the fog creeping through the trees. 偶尔, you get glimpses of the city and different neighborhoods as you climb up through the trees.

What’s one thing first-time visitors should do in San Francisco and why?

他们应该继续 徒步旅行 at Land’s End for some spectacular views of the bay, the ocean, and the 金门大桥. It’s out near the beach and pretty removed from a lot of tourist attractions, 但这趟长途跋涉是值得的.

What's one thing a visitor familiar with San Francisco should do and why?

熟悉贝博体彩app的游客应该去 阿里斯门迪面包店 第九大道1331号.). 我是在阿里兹门迪长大的,我非常推荐他们. 这是吃早点心或披萨当午餐的好地方.