The Many Hidden, Historic, and Beautiful Staircases of San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
The 林肯街台阶 are just one of many colorful staircases in San Francisco.

The Many Hidden, Historic, and Beautiful Staircases of San Francisco

尽管山多,贝博体彩app是一个最好的徒步探索城市. Here are some stairways hidden around the city that will make your urban adventure easier.

With its temperate weather and epic scenery, San Francisco is a terrific place to be 在户外. 徒步穿越 公园 and up our famous hills is a great way to explore the city—but maybe you were looking for something a little less challenging.

Have no fear; San Francisco is full of staircases that can take you to some hard-to-reach but absolutely worthwhile locations. 以下是我们在贝博体彩app最喜欢的一些楼梯.


林肯公园附近的林肯台阶是一件艺术品. In 2007, 这个简单的混凝土楼梯被赋予了新的生命, when the Friends of Lincoln Park paid to fix up the stairs with a structural and aesthetic facelift. 当地艺术家艾琳·巴尔在楼梯上施展了她的魔力, 结果是一件色彩鲜艳的迷人作品, 热带主题, 还有迷人的设计. If you want to see the Lincoln Steps, head to the western end of California St. 在楼梯的顶端,你可以看到Salesforce大厦 金门大桥等等.


埃斯梅拉达楼梯 are three block-long sets of stairs that people can use to climb the west side of Bernal Hill. 最下面的一段楼梯从柯勒律治街开始.在米逊街以东一个街区. 中间的一段楼梯从展望大道通向. 到温菲尔德街. 楼梯的顶部部分在温菲尔德和埃斯梅拉达街结束. 埃斯梅拉达楼梯很实用,但也很有趣. In the mid-section of the stairs are two slides, often called the Winfield Street Slides. These slides are 40 feet long, making for an exhilarating return trip after you reach the summit.


第15大道台阶在 日落 are technically considered their own park,和y are sometimes called the Inner 日落 Steps. 这些台阶感觉就像他们自己逃离到大自然中. They are lined with trees, shaded, and feel worlds away from the bustle of the city. 一旦你到了山顶,你就能看见了 金门公园, St. 安妮教堂,以及内日落区的其他地方.


Another beloved set of steps in the Inner 日落 are the Hidden Steps on 16th Ave. Sometimes called the Hidden Garden Steps, this staircase runs from Kirkham to Lawton streets. Once a simple set of concrete stairs, today the Hidden Steps on 16th Ave. 有漂亮的瓷砖艺术品在他们的前面.


If you want a great view of the city, climb the steps to the top of Corona Heights Park. There is a main set of stairs up the middle that will take you straight to the summit. There are other steps around the perimeter of the park that guide you to some equally impressive vantage points. 一定要在这里找到立足之地. There are no railings on these steps and the wind can pick up as sundown approaches.

If you're looking for an adventurous way to get to or from the park, take the Vulcan Street Steps. This two block stretch of concrete stairs connects Levant and Ord streets, 周围是精心照料的花园和华丽的住宅. The nearby, shorter Saturn Street Steps connect Saturn and Ord streets. 在奥德街的基地上有一个小公园., giving you a great place to sit in the shade and give your calves a rest.


如果你想爬上贝博体彩app最陡峭的台阶, 看看菲尔莫尔街台阶, 连接 太平洋高地 到牛谷和 玛丽娜. Originally built in 1915 for the Panama-Pacific International Exhibition, 菲尔莫尔街的台阶雕刻在人行道上. If you climb these stairs to the summit at the intersection of 菲尔莫 St. and Broadway, you can get an incredible view of the 金门大桥, 阿尔卡特拉斯岛,和 美术宫.


屁股塔 is a San Francisco landmark,和 steps that lead to it may as well be one, too. These stairs are steep and long; however, they have handrails on both sides. 从炮台街和格林尼治街的交汇处开始走上格林威治街台阶. The staircase winds through the residential neighborhood of Telegraph Hill, 这里是贝博体彩app当地人和好奇的鹦鹉群落的家园.  一旦你到了顶峰, 你可以在科伊特塔的底部看到大萧条时期的艺术品, or continue your climb all the way to the top of this iconic monument.


在美丽的俄罗斯山上坐落着麦克德雷巷, 一个惊人的, 绿树成荫的住宅大道,华丽而幽静. 为了达到它, you'll have to climb a set of stairs at the intersection of Macondray Lane and Taylor St. 这些著名的, old wooden stairs should look familiar: the location was the inspiration for the setting of Barbary Lane in Armistead Maupin's beloved "Tales of the City" series.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油. 

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.