
Romantic Things to Do in San Francisco

从美食到公园野餐,再到日落时分在海湾航行, 贝博体彩app提供浪漫体验,帮助情侣们感受爱情.

For Those Looking to Wine and Dine

Cocktails with A View at Top of the Mark 

以其招牌马提尼酒和贝博体彩app的壮丽景色而闻名, Top of the Mark is the perfect place for a romantic evening. 到达餐前饮料和体验日落在贝博体彩app的天际线, 或者在城市闪烁的灯光下喝杯睡前小酌.

Taste Your Way Through the World of Wine 

San Francisco is a wine lover's town! With plenty of wine bars 在这里,你会找到适合自己口味的葡萄酒. Explore the intimate Etcetera Wine Bar 在Mission,有现场音乐和完美的配对,或者是大都会 Press Club 在SoMA,有来自世界各地的丰富的葡萄酒选择. 

For the Art Lovers

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 

Stroll through SFMOMA's 17万平方英尺的画廊空间,寻找让你心动的艺术. 你可以找到罗伊·利希滕斯坦的波普艺术、马蒂斯的亲密肖像和安塞尔·亚当斯的摄影作品. You can spend the whole day at SFMOMA, so don't forget to stop by their restaurant, grace, and cafe, Steps Coffee. 

Get Your Tickets 

Illuminate Your Night

永久的灯光艺术装置在贝博体彩app随处可见. 在一个晴朗的夜晚散步,你会被眼前的美景迷住 luminous creations 来自世界各地的艺术家为照亮贝博体彩app的夜晚而创作的灯光.

For Adventure Seekers

Golden Gate Bridge

在贝博体彩app最有名的桥上浪漫地漫步. 或者,对于更具冒险精神的情侣来说,租一辆双人自行车 Blazing Saddles or Bay City Bike. 从贝博体彩app乘金门大桥到 Sausalito and enjoy a quaint, waterfront lunch. Too tired to bike back? Take the ferry from Sausalito to San Francisco.

Sail the Bay with Your Sweetheart

San Francisco Sunset Tour

和你的爱人一起见证西海岸的日落. No matter the occasion, 这次环绕贝博体彩app湾的日落之旅一定会点燃浪漫和激情. 当你驶向金门大桥并返回时,沐浴在温暖的光芒中欣赏风景. 

Book Your Tickets

Romantic Dinner Cruise

为了你的伴侣,开始一场奢华的浪漫之旅. 当你们在亲密的两人桌享受美食时,迷失在彼此的眼睛里. 享受您最喜欢的鸡尾酒在优质的酒吧和打舞池. 在闪烁的星空下分享一个吻,看着城市的灯光在你身后消失.

Book Your Dinner Cruise

For A Daytime Date

Take a Stroll on Lover’s Lane

带你的约会对象离开人迹般的道路,徒步穿越贝博体彩app的历史名胜 Presidio. Open spaces, trails, 和鼓舞人心的远景提供了大量的机会,独自与你所爱的人享受安静的美丽,只能在普雷西迪奥找到. 在情人巷偷一个吻,从贝克海滩体验日落. Guided tours are available through Urban Hiker SF, or explore on your own.

Ferry Building Marketplace

品尝工匠奶酪,喝蓝瓶咖啡,和盛宴 Tomales Bay oysters. The Ferry Building Marketplace is the perfect day-date destination.

Picnic in Golden Gate Park

For the budget-minded, bring a picnic lunch, rent a boat, 然后在美丽的地方浪漫地兜风, 12-acre Blue Heron Lake. 同样在金门公园:通过手工制作分享爱, 在花圃里压花卡,看着企鹅在公园里用心形情人节礼物筑巢 California Academy of Sciences.

Explore Golden Gate Park

Aaron Danzig
Aaron Danzig

Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social Media Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了9年多,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 7 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食! 
