乔治·帕尔多的《贝博体彩app》,2022年,范内斯大道 & 加里街上车台.
乔治·帕尔多的《贝博体彩app》,2022年,范内斯大道 & 加里街上车台. Credit: Ethan Kapla Photography, 由贝博体彩app艺术委员会提供


在贝博体彩app,这座城市是我们的画布. No matter which neighborhood you’re exploring, you’re bound to find some breathtaking—and free—art.

贝博体彩app的创新精神, 创新精神, and pleasant year-round climate all work together to make the city the perfect place for public art. Here are some of our favorite selections of the inspiring artwork you’ll see when you’re out and about.


The San Francisco Arts Commission collaborated with the San Francisco Municipal 运输 Agency to curate a diverse public art program that includes ten permanent and free site-specific artworks by twelve artists. 它们分别放在里面和外面的四个新 中央地铁 在SoMa,联合广场和唐人街的车站.


秧歌:新娘的舞蹈 and 秧歌:新年的舞蹈

These two large laser-cut metal artworks painted a vibrant red by Yumei Hou greet visitors, depicting a Chinese folk dance and showcasing scenes from celebrations like weddings and New Year.

Arrival (2024年来)

Tomie Arai's artwork depicts the neighborhood’s history and community through large-scale architectural glass images, 展示了从花园到贝博体彩app港口的景色.


This vibrant ceramic tile mural by Clare Rojas highlights diverse Silk Road textiles, 象征着唐人街的社区.




Erwin Redl's illuminated installation of 500+ LED panels spans nearly 670 feet, 创造一个万花筒的效果,游客可以通过.


吉姆·坎贝尔和沃纳·克鲁兹的不锈钢雕塑, 它悬挂在站台上的地铁乘客上方, 像一条地下小溪.


Artist team Hughen/Starkweather created a glass artwork that layers a topographic map of San Francisco with painted circles representing commute patterns.

“天空中的露西” by Erwin Redl, 2021, 中央地铁: 联合广场 Market Station
“天空中的露西” by Erwin Redl, 2021, 中央地铁: 联合广场 Market Station 图片来源:Ethan Kaplan Photography. 由贝博体彩app艺术委员会提供



This spiraling sculpture by Roxy Paine can be seen from blocks away, 高102英尺,尽管它的周长看起来很薄. 当地人仍在争论它代表着什么. A beanstalk? A young tree? 地球上的一条裂缝?

Arc Cycle

Catherine Wagner transformed her 1970s construction photos of The Moscone Center into large-scale granite and glass artworks that are displayed within the station.

Face C/Z

Leslie Shows的作品以黄铁矿为灵感设计, 象征着价值观的转变和贝博体彩app湾区的淘金热.

4th & 布兰南站


This wind-activated sculpture by Moto Ohtake is mounted on a 40-foot light pole and creates varied movements through 31 rotating points, 提供无限组合.


就像一个露天博物馆, downtown San Francisco offers art in many variations, both indoors and outdoors.

One of downtown SF's latest art additions is the Battery Bridge Mural by Talavera-Ballón. Outside 555 California Street, you’ll find the Bankers Heart sculpture (officially named 超越).

道格拉斯·蒂尔登的青铜雕塑 力学纪念碑 在市场、布什和炮台街纪念工业. 加州街465号, the historic Merchants Exchange Building boasts maritime murals by artist William Coulter.

In the Main Hall of the historic Mining Exchange Building at 350 Bush Street, 你可以看到艺术家克里斯托弗·布朗的两幅帆船画. 在大楼外, 人造岩石编号. 149 展示了王展的雕塑.

At Rincon Park along the Embarcadero, you can find Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen’s 丘比特的跨度, a giant bow and arrow sculpture that draws inspiration from the myth of Eros, whose arrow piercing the earth symbolizes fertility and vitality.

Cupid's Bow is a popular outdoor spot alongside the Embarcadero.


庆祝贝博体彩app的创造力和创新, 照亮科幻 highlights the city's public light art with installations that are mostly accessible by public transportation and free to enjoy. Installations can be found throughout the city's many neighborhoods, 在节日期间, 照亮SF的灯光节令人惊叹, site-specific outdoor installations across the city that dazzle San Francisco.

Learn More

Large-scale flowers glow in multicolor lights at Entwined, an 照亮科幻 exhibit.


从1976年开始,图书馆管理员带领游客参观市政厅, 贝博体彩app城市指南 has expanded to more than 275 volunteer ambassadors offering more than 70 tours. 有几次旅游突出了这座城市美丽的壁画, 比如“使命壁画”, where the wall paintings first appeared in the 1970s and soon became central to the area’s identity, 和“林孔中心的丑闻壁画”, which showcases 27 murals by Moscow-born artist Anton Refregier that challenged the traditional, 50年代对美国的爱国主义观点. Other walks with an artistic focus are centered around film, history, and architecture. 建议提前注册,但欢迎预约.


卢卡斯Mittenentzwei是一名数字项目和内容顾问. 原产于德国, 他自2010年以来一直住在加州, 好几年都把贝博体彩app当作自己的家. Lucas started in the hospitality industry before joining 访问加州 in its mission to inspire the world to visit the Golden State. 他对旅行体验的各个方面都充满热情, but trying new restaurants (or tried-and-true classics) is at the top of his list.